Pursuing the lost and broken

Bringing wholeness and healing in the name of Jesus


our ministry

The branches of our ministry are geared towards providing men and women opportunities to grow spiritually, personally, and relationally through support groups, Bible studies, workshops, community outreach, and events. We encourage people one soul at a time to BE WHO YOU BE in Christ.


"Let's Chat" place card

listen to the podcast

Our very own podcast, “Let’s Chat” with Pastor Shelley, is a weekly podcast highlighting the sometimes hard to talk about subjects of life and death. There is no subject off limits. We must learn to dialogue about topics we don’t agree on in a Christ-like manner leading with love not hate. “Hate stirs up conflict, but love covers all offenses” (Proverbs 10:12).


about Pastor Shelley

Pastor Shelley, having been a broken vessel herself, is passionate about helping others put the shattered pieces of their lives back together. She is driven to impart healing and wholeness by giving others second chances and a hand up enveloped in love, acceptance, and understanding. Read more about how God has used her here.

Educating, equipping, and empowering God’s people to live the abundant life as Christ intended


On the Blog

Shelley Stephenson Ministries is a jewel in my life. I have never found such an acceptance of love and understanding of my mental illness anywhere.

- Gina Kennedy, Bellefontaine, Ohio

If you feel led to donate to Shelley Stephenson Ministries, please use the secure Paypal link below.

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Contact Us

Want to get involved in one of our ministry opportunities, have a question, or just want to say hey?