Check out the different
branches of our ministry


Scroll to learn more about the ministries pictured below.

Women Arise

Man Up



Blessing Box

Blessing Box

Tide Me Over

Kidz Kount

Women Arise

Women Empowering Women

Women Arise is a community of women empowering women through Christ by providing opportunities for fellowship, open dialogue, support, spiritual growth, and ownership in a non-judgment zone. This ministry is founded on Isaiah 60:1, “Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you” [AMP, emphases added].

Women Arise is comprised of women from all backgrounds, ages, situations, and life experiences. All of us are or have been broken in one way or another. The peer support available includes, but is not limited to: addiction, domestic violence, divorce, separation from children, broken family ties, and mental health issues. It is considered a safe place to congregate where autonomy is strictly enforced. It is an accepting, welcoming group of women who cultivate an environment of understanding, acceptance, belonging, and hope. You are not alone.

We have Women Arise Group on Tuesdays from 9:30 am - 10:30 am at Christ Covenant International, 400 Ludlow, Bellefontaine, Ohio. This meeting is a Logan County court-approved meeting with an approved on-site signature. If you are looking for a faith-based meeting that counts as a recovery meeting, we welcome you to join us.

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“One of the highlights of my week is Group on Tuesday mornings. A group of powerful, precious, and diverse women come together to support and encourage one another in a trusting, non-judgmental, and safe environment. There is open dialogue, prayer, and a short devotion to focus us in on the promises and commandments of God. I am always amazed at the strength of these women and their willingness to come alongside each other in the battles of life. I love them so much. They inspire me. They will inspire you, too. Please feel free to join us at Christ Covenant, 400 Ludlow, Bellefontaine on Tuesdays at 9:30 am.”

- Pastor Shelley

Women Arise Bellefontaine Ohio

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“Broken crayons still color.”

Suicide Prevention Color Run 2022

Man Up

Men Raising Up Men

Man Up was founded by Shelley Stephenson Ministries on December 2nd, 2017, as a mirror image of Women Arise to create a safe, non-judgment zone where men can come together to support, encourage, and challenge one another.

It is a time of biblical reflection, dialogue, camaraderie, and prayer.

Man Up is built on 1 Kings 2:2,3 (ESV).

“I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.”

Get Involved!

We are currently praying for a man of God to lead this charge. Might he be you? If so, please reach out.


Get Involved

Want to get involved in one of our ministry opportunities, have a question, or just want to say hey?


Living Life to the Full

Warriorhood is an interactive Bible study that presents biblical solutions for everyday problems. Topics include learning to think different, developing healthy relationships, breaking unhealthy soul ties, forgiveness, and improving self-image. We promote the truth that if we do the work and seek God’s way, we can change for the better and our lives will reflect that.

Warriorhood takes place at Christ Covenant, 400 Ludlow, Bellefontaine, Ohio from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Light snacks will be served.

This meeting is a Logan County court-approved meeting with an approved on-site signature.

Be the best version of you that you can be for your family.

“Mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31).

Current Study

“There’s a big difference between living a life trusting in the fake stability of the world and living a life of significance with an unshakeable God.” Rachel Risner

The Blessing Box and Tide Me Over Treasures

The Blessing Box

The Logan County Board of DD Aktion Club chose Shelley Stephenson Ministries to be the recipient of their first Blessing Box. We were honored. They delivered the box in September 2020 and we officially launched this ministry at Christ Covenant, 400 Ludlow Road, Bellefontaine, Ohio. The concept of a Blessing Box is to provide food items for those who are having difficulty making ends meet. We distribute approximately 1,000 items a month. There is a steady stream of people daily who count on the Blessing Box to fill in the gaps. It is our honor to be able to provide that relief for them.

We have been blessed on a couple of occasions by businesses that have done food drives for us. Our shelves have never been so full, which allows us to not have a lull of food in the Blessing Box. We appreciate this so very much. If your business, corporation, club, etc., wish to contribute in this manner, please reach out. It very much helps to meet a need in our community.

The Shelley Stephenson Ministries Blessing Box is available 24/7 seven days a week at no cost. There are no requirements, applications or face-to-face meetings needed to take from the box. Our desire is that everyone who uses the box respects those who are contributing to the ministry and those who may come after them for assistance. We are counting on people to take only what they need to get them through and not to take advantage, but, if they do, we will not hold it against them and we will keep doing what we do, filling the boxes.

The kids like to stop after school to get a snack.

Your donations keep our shelves full.

10.5% of the population is food insecure.

Tide Me Over Treasures

Before the Logan County Board of DD Aktion Club chose us to build their first Blessing Box for, we were in the process of creating our own take on a Blessing Box called Tide Me Over Treasures. It is the same concept as a Blessing Box, but it provides strictly personal hygiene and cleaning items. We have a long-standing trend of individuals and families who struggle with purchasing or securing these items. We want to provide a means to help tide them over until they are able to get these necessities. Tide Me Over Treasures and our Blessing Box are combined. Take what you need to help tide you over. Be blessed.

Interesting fact: Did you know that the Ohio Direction Card does not cover hygiene or cleaning supplies? It was an “a ha” moment for me a couple of years back when I realized that some of the people we served had no access to these items. The Ohio Direction Card is a food assistance card, which is a blessing, but it does not cover anything that is not edible. Herein lies the dilemma and the drive to provide these items at no cost. Every adult and child should have access to the opportunity to be clean and live clean. In light of this situation, Tide Me Over Treasures has become one of SSM’s priorities. In order to meet the high demand for these items, we will gladly accept assistance in this area.

How can you help?

We take monetary donations, but do not accept drop off or product donations unless contact has been made with the ministry and the donor is willing to purchase items from our approved list. Our goal is to try not to disrespect those we serve by passing off expired, opened, half bottles, leftovers, and etc. to them. If it’s not good enough for us, it’s not good enough for anybody else.

Kidz Kount


What is Kidz Kount?

Kidz Kount is the heartbeat of Shelley Stephenson Ministries. As most of us have noticed, our kids seem to be getting lost in the shuffle and upheaval of the world at a younger and younger age. Children with mental health issues, criminal behavior, anger, a lack of coping skills, social awkwardness, etc., dot our society like the stars of the night. Factor in the onslaught of bullying and we have a recipe for disaster.

Our focus is primarily on kids under 12 years old. It seems that this age group gets overlooked the most when it comes to mentorship, one-on-one attention, and godly instruction in the real world, their world. We can’t wait until they are in middle school to begin this process. Their struggles are real and need to be addressed as soon as possible. We feel an urgency regarding this.

The purpose of Kidz Kount

The purpose of Kidz Kount is to be present as much as possible for these kids. We desire to gain their trust so they know that they can count on somebody to be there for them; to have a listening ear, to develop the practice of honesty, to teach respect, and give help when needed. Kids don’t ask for much, but they deserve the world.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6, KJV).

Please pray for our kids.

“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” (Psalm 119:9, NIV).

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children” (Isaiah 54:13).


Every kid counts