Read About

Shelley Stephenson Ministries


What We Do

We meet men and women where they are, point them in the right direction, and provide venues for them to connect, engage, and express. We are an experiential, hands on team. We have been defined as a “boots on the ground, feet on the street” ministry. We provide relevant, real life, spiritual, practical and personal studies, workshops, events, and support groups. We offer these as resources for individuals seeking and for the community at large. We are involved with our local law enforcement, judicial system, mental health association, and human services department. Our goal is to help people find their way to wholeness and happiness.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a diverse array of opportunities that range from stabilizing those who are severely broken to positioning those who desire to know and walk in their God-given gifts in servitude to the Lord and His people. The heartbeat of this ministry is Isaiah 60:1, “Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you” (AMP). Our desire is for all people to come to know a loving, forgiving Savior so they can let their light shine.

About Pastor Shelley

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Pastor Shelley’s greatest reason for stepping into her ministry was to minister to people who had lost their way, who couldn’t define their worth nor identify their purpose. She came to a realization early on in ministry that there were too many people falling through the cracks; not only those who had succumbed to darkness, but those who had not yet learned how to live a victorious life in Christ. She is driven to teach others how to claim the promises of God so they can know peace, love, joy, and hope.


Pastor Shelley left being an x-ray technologist in 1999 to tend to the wounded sheep in her community after the Lord called her to an Ezekiel 34:16 ministry.  On April 20th, 1999 she reached out to John and Kim Neuhaus, founders and overseers of AACML (Apostolic Association of Churches, Ministers, and Leaders) to mentor and guide her in this new calling. They have been her spiritual parents ever since. The journey has taken her through the ranks of being an undershepherd, associate pastor, senior pastor, apostle, senior apostle and expansion into planting a parachurch ministry called Shelley Stephenson Ministries.


Pastor Shelley graduated from Ohio Northern University in 1985 with a dual Bachelor of Arts Degree in Physical Education and Health. She returned to school in the early ‘90s to earn an Associate’s Degree in Radiology at Lima Technical College. After 7 years of being in ministry, Pastor Shelley decided to go to seminary at Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio. In 2010 she graduated with two degrees, a Master of Biblical Theology and a Master of Church Development. Her dad jokingly says that she has more degrees than a thermometer.


Pastor Shelley has been Senior Pastor of Christ Covenant International, Bellefontaine, Ohio, since 2010, she works tirelessly as founder and CEO of Shelley Stephenson Ministries, she serves on the Executive Council of AACML, and is an appointed Global Ambassador of AACML with a special designation to Haiti.

Facts About Pastor Shelley


Pastor Shelley loves to travel, explore, and experience new cultures, cuisines, and customs. She has been on 20+ mission trips to Haiti alone!


It is hard to believe that Pastor Shelley is an introvert. As much as she loves people, it is in her quiet, alone times that she is refueled. God can use anyone!


Pastor Shelley has a special love for and connection to animals. God has used them to bring healing to her and she hopes to one day have an animal rescue as part of her ministry. One of her favorite shows is Pit Bulls and Parolees.


Lover of spaghetti and Thai food.

Who else is involved in Shelley Stephenson Ministries?

Denyse Bayliss, Director of Operations

Denyse Bayliss, Director of Operations

There are many ministers and volunteers that help Shelley Stephenson Ministries run as smoothly as it does today.

We also have a Director of Operations on the team. We are so thankful for Denyse Bayliss.

Denyse comes to Shelley Stephenson Ministries with 35 years as a banking executive, multiple board positions, and extensive community involvement on her resume. She is a well-respected and loved community member and it is easy to understand why. She has brought a wealth of knowledge to the ministry and those we serve regarding finances, budgeting, saving, debt control, and etc., but, most importantly, she has brought us her willingness to sacrifice her time, energy, and emotions in godly counsel, assistance, and mentorship to those that God brings under our care. We are all amazed at how much she knows about everything and all the things she can do. We lovingly say that she is “a beast.” She is one of the kindest, most giving, hard working, compassionate, non-judgmental people we know and we are honored to have her on our team. She has a heart for single mothers and is known affectionately as “the baby magnet.” Btw, she hates to have her picture taken. Lol!

How Can I Support Shelley Stephenson Ministries?

There are a few ways you can get involved with the work God is doing in Shelley Stephenson Ministries.




There are multiple volunteer opportunities within Shelley Stephenson Ministries that include shopping for the Blessing Box and Tide Me Over Treasures, stocking items, delivering essentials, and outreach distributions. There is always something to do! Click the button below to get connected.


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Shelley Stephenson Ministries offers a variety of Bible studies, support groups, workshops, and community outreaches for both men and women. Several of our meetings are court approved. These are opportunities to grow in God and connect with others. Get involved!


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Prayer is a powerful tool. We appreciate your prayers for the ministry. It is of utmost importance to us that we remain in alignment with God’s will for Shelley Stephenson Ministries. Your continued prayers for wisdom, discernment, and protection mean a lot to us. Thank you.

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Donations to SSM can be made below.

Every penny counts and we are so grateful for your generosity! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!