Community Outreach

Matthew 25

One of the greatest joys and privileges of SSM is community outreach and extending a hand up.

Back-to-school season can be very difficult for families. Every year we put together backpacks for a housing complex in our neighborhood. Our team pulls the school supply list and makes sure that everything on that list is included in the backpack distribution so that when we hand it to the children, they could go to school that day feeling proud and prepared. We also provide them with socks and underwear to start the school year.

A favorite outreach of SSM happens every fall with our warm pajama distribution for the kids (or, as Pastor Shelley calls them, “jim jams”), which includes slippers, blankets, a family board game and, of course, “Squishmallows.” It has become one of our most beloved traditions.

We try to make sure that struggling families are fed a home-cooked meal for Thanksgiving

Every child deserves a Christmas.

Praise God that we have faithful Christmas Angels who help make this outreach possible.

We had a great time bedazzling suitcases for foster children in our area. It is all too common for them to have to carry their belongings in pillowcases, garbage bags, and the like due to the oftentimes quick removal of them from their home. We thought it would be great if Children’s Protective Services had some suitcases on hand in cases like this. We wanted to put a personal stamp on each one in the hope that it would bring a child some sense of joy and comfort in this most difficult of circumstances.

We join in with other organizations to fight for the causes that are near and dear to our hearts; like suicide, addiction, mental health, and children.

We have so much fun when we are together serving God’s people.

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So, if you see the big yellow Love Bus or a caravan of fun-loving, somewhat crazy people around town, stop to say hello or give us a wave or thumbs up as you pass by. And remember, we are here for you, reach out if you need us and never give up.

Have a Question?

Check out our FAQ’s below to see if we can give you a quick answer.


Is SSM associated with a church?

Shelley Stephenson Ministries is most frequently associated with Christ Covenant International at 400 Ludlow Road, Bellefontaine, Ohio, because Pastor Shelley has been the Senior Pastor there since 2010 and shares the physical space with the church. If you drive by, you will see the “Love Bus,” the Women Arise “She Shed,” and colorful, graffiti art on the back fence representing the beautiful women of the ministry.

What does “Be who you Be” mean?

“Be who you Be” has become the catch phrase of Shelley Stephenson Ministries. It started 15 years ago when Pastor Shelley became fiery and passionate about people understanding their worth and identity. She was intentional about teaching people who they were in Christ, as the unique individuals they are, so they could understand their purpose and pursue it with their whole being. We are all intrinsically and uniquely created by God (Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13-16) and it is important that we all rise up to “Be who we Be” in Christ.

Is this ministry for women only?

Shelley Stephenson Ministries is not only for women. The ministry began with the purpose of surrounding and supporting single mothers and grew into a women’s support group that encompassed a myriad of women issues. These women became the driving force to make this ministry official and to expand on the vision. It has taken us a minute to become grounded enough to support other branches of ministry, but the momentum is growing. Our first desire was to bring the men in and offer the same support, encouragement, and guidance that our women are privy too. Men are a very important part of this ministry. We need more men. We welcome more men. Our battle cry to the men is, Man up and take your place.

What is Christ Covenant International?

Christ Covenant International is an independent, non-denominational church that is located at 400 Ludlow Road, Bellefontaine, Ohio. CCI is covered by AACML. and shepherded by Senior Pastor Shelley Stephenson.

What denomination is SSM?

Shelley Stephenson Ministries is non-denominational. We are a Christian faith-based ministry that works outside and across denominations. It is a beautiful thing to see women from all backgrounds, faith, and denominations come together as one.

What is AACML?

AACML (the Apostolic Association of Churches, Ministers, and Leaders) is a non-denominational, global association that is committed to providing biblically-based apostolic covering, training, and ministry development in areas such as church planting, international missions, and impartation, activation, and manifestation of the gifts of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. AACML bestows licensing and ordination. Go to for more information.